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deduplicate() flags, drops or aggregates duplicates, which are defined as consecutive visits to the same URL within a certain time frame.


  method = "aggregate",
  within = 1,
  duration_var = "duration",
  keep_nvisits = FALSE,
  same_day = TRUE,
  add_grpvars = NULL



webtrack data object.


character. One of "aggregate", "flag" or "drop". If set to "aggregate", consecutive visits (no matter the time difference) to the same URL are combined and their duration aggregated. In this case, a duration column must be specified via "duration_var". If set to "flag", duplicates within a certain time frame are flagged in a new column called duplicate. In this case, within argument must be specified. If set to "drop", duplicates are dropped. Again, within argument must be specified. Defaults to "aggregate".


numeric (seconds). If method set to "flag" or "drop", a subsequent visit is only defined as a duplicate when happening within this time difference. Defaults to 1 second.


character. Name of duration variable. Defaults to "duration".


boolean. If method set to "aggregate", this determines whether number of aggregated visits should be kept as variable. Defaults to FALSE.


boolean. If method set to "aggregate", determines whether to count visits as consecutive only when on the same day. Defaults to TRUE.


vector. If method set to "aggregate", determines whether any additional variables are included in grouping of visits and therefore kept. Defaults to NULL.


webtrack data.frame with the same columns as wt with updated duration


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
wt <- as.wt_dt(testdt_tracking)
wt <- add_duration(wt, cutoff = 300, replace_by = 300)
# Dropping duplicates with one-second default
wt_dedup <- deduplicate(wt, method = "drop")
# Flagging duplicates with one-second default
wt_dedup <- deduplicate(wt, method = "flag")
# Aggregating duplicates
wt_dedup <- deduplicate(wt[1:1000], method = "aggregate")
# Aggregating duplicates and keeping number of visits for aggregated visits
wt_dedup <- deduplicate(wt[1:1000], method = "aggregate", keep_nvisits = TRUE)
# Aggregating duplicates and keeping "domain" variable despite grouping
wt <- extract_domain(wt)
wt_dedup <- deduplicate(wt, method = "aggregate", add_grpvars = "domain")
} # }