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Gets the title of a URL by accessing the web address online and adds the title as a new column. See details for the meaning of "title". You need an internet connection to run this function.


add_title(wt, lang = "en-US,en-GB,en")



webtrack data object.


character (a language tag). Language accepted by the request. Defaults to "en-US,en-GB,en". Note that you are likely to still obtain titles different from the ones seen originally by the user, because the language also depend on the user's IP and device settings.


webtrack data.frame with the same columns as wt and a new column called "title", which will be NA if the title cannot be retrieved.


The title of a website (the text within the <title> tag of a web site's <head>) #' is the text that is shown on the "tab" when looking at the website in a browser. It can contain useful information about a URL's content and can be used, for example, for classification purposes. Note that it may take a while to run this function for a large number of URLs.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
wt <- as.wt_dt(testdt_tracking)[1:2]
# Get titles with `lang` set to default English
wt_titles <- add_title(wt)
# Get titles with `lang` set to German
wt_titles <- add_title(wt, lang = "de")
} # }