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Identifies whether a visit was referred to from social media and adds it as a new column. See details for method.


add_referral(wt, platform_domains, patterns)



webtrack data object.


character. A vector of platform domains for which referrers should be identified. Order and length must correspondent to patterns argument


character. A vector of patterns for which referrers should be identified. Order and length must correspondent to platform_domains vector.


webtrack data.frame with the same columns as wt and a new column called referral, which takes on NA if no referral has been identified, or the name specified platform_domains if a referral from that platform has been identified


To identify referrals, we rely on the method described as most valid in Schmidt et al.: When the domain preceding a visit was to the platform in question, and the query string of the visit's URL contains a certain pattern, we count it as a referred visit. For Facebook, the pattern has been identified by Schmidt et al. as 'fbclid=', although this can change in future.


Schmidt, Felix, Frank Mangold, Sebastian Stier and Roberto Ulloa. "Facebook as an Avenue to News: A Comparison and Validation of Approaches to Identify Facebook Referrals". Working paper.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
wt <- as.wt_dt(testdt_tracking)
wt <- add_referral(wt, platform_domains = "", patterns = "fbclid=")
wt <- add_referral(wt,
    platform_domains = c("", ""),
    patterns = c("fbclid=", "utm_source=twitter")
} # }