Authors and Citation
Jason Becker. Author.
Chung-hong Chan. Author, maintainer.
David Schoch. Author.
Geoffrey CH Chan. Contributor.
Christopher Gandrud. Contributor.
Andrew MacDonald. Contributor.
Ista Zahn. Contributor.
Stanislaus Stadlmann. Contributor.
Ruaridh Williamson. Contributor.
Patrick Kennedy. Contributor.
Ryan Price. Contributor.
Trevor L Davis. Contributor.
Nathan Day. Contributor.
Source: inst/CITATION
Chan C, Leeper T, Becker J, Schoch D (2023). rio: A Swiss-army knife for data file I/O.
@Manual{, title = {rio: A Swiss-army knife for data file I/O}, author = {Chung-hong Chan and Thomas J. Leeper and Jason Becker and David Schoch}, url = {}, year = {2023}, }