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A list containing several useful recipes for container building. Useful for the post_installation_steps argument of dockerize(). Available recipes are:

  • texlive: install pandoc and LaTeX, useful for rendering RMarkdown

  • texlivefull: Similar to the above, but install the full distribution of TeX Live (~ 3GB)

  • quarto: install quarto and tinytex

  • clean: clean up the container image by removing cache

  • make: install GNU make




An object of class list of length 5.


# \donttest{
if (interactive()) {
    graph <- resolve(pkgs = c("openNLP", "LDAvis", "topicmodels", "quanteda"),
                    snapshot_date = "2020-01-16")
    ## install texlive
    dockerize(graph, ".", post_installation_steps = recipes[['texlive']])
# }