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The aim of rio is to make data file input and output as easy as possible. export() and import() serve as a Swiss-army knife for painless data I/O for data from almost any file format by inferring the data structure from the file extension, natively reading web-based data sources, setting reasonable defaults for import and export, and relying on efficient data import and export packages. An additional convenience function, convert(), provides a simple method for converting between file types.

Note that some of rio's functionality is provided by ‘Suggests’ dependendencies, meaning they are not installed by default. Use install_formats() to make sure these packages are available for use.


GREA provides an RStudio add-in to import data using rio.


Maintainer: Chung-hong Chan (ORCID)


Other contributors:


# export
export(mtcars, csv_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")) # comma-separated values
export(mtcars, rds_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".rds")) # R serialized
export(mtcars, sav_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".sav")) # SPSS

# import
x <- import(csv_file)
y <- import(rds_file)
#> Warning: The `trust` argument of `import()` should be explicit for serialization formats
#> as of rio 1.0.3.
#>  Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#>  The deprecated feature was likely used in the rio package.
#>   Please report the issue at <>.
z <- import(sav_file)

# convert sav (SPSS) to dta (Stata)
convert(sav_file, dta_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".dta"))

# cleanup
unlink(c(csv_file, rds_file, sav_file, dta_file))